Back on deck, finally…
Hey folks,
It’s been a while since I’ve blogged. My trip to Egypt after handing in my PhD turned into a little bit of an adventure, which is partly why posts were a bit thin on the ground. (For some reason the wordpress site didn’t often work on my Egyptian ISP and neither did an assortment of other random newsy websites. I could have posted via the phone but given my hatred of touchscreen typing you’d have probably ended up with a heap of cranky unintelligible posts and not much else, assuming of course the phone internet connection worked, which it often didn’t.)
Now that I’m in Oz and recovered from the bugs that laid me out for the first few months I was home, it’s catch up time.
Once I’ve tied up remaining loose ends I’ll be returning to regular blogging and updating the blog with links to some things I wrote while I was away, as well as some new material.
Anyway, this is just a short note to thank you all for your readership and continuing visits. I’m pleased to see the site is being used as a reference point, and for this I owe a hearty thanks to the National Library of Australia who asked two years ago to archive the site for reference purposes.
My goal this year for the blog is to spur debate and discussion about issues in counter terrorism and terrorism studies that have escaped critical scrutiny and the reasons why efforts at such scrutiny seem to be drowned out. This all feeds into one of the research themes I’ve had of late: “The Counter Terrorism Industry.”
If I can get back to the blog this afternoon, it will also be the subject of my first ‘Cynical Friday’ post of the year. Otherwise stay tuned next week.
Welcome back. Your vision sounds good . . .
Even when this is the first comment to your restart I am sure than many academics, interested citiziens and journalists and and are grateful that one of the most authorative commenters in the field is back. Together with me they are looking forward for further discussions with you. Willkommen zurück, Leah.
Martin Dirksen-Fischer