Home > Articles of interest > Were these comments about Awlaki authorised?

Were these comments about Awlaki authorised?

Reading this article yesterday…I wondered whether the former FBI SAIC’s comments in this article were cleared by FBI.

American cleric used more than 60 email accounts to reach followers, including Hasan

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/06/14/al-awlaki-used-dozens-email-accounts-to-reach-followers-including-hasan/#ixzz1xr9wpwOh

Especially since it appears that reporting in relation to the emails beyond that already known through indictments etc was at least  as of last month, apparently still classified.

“In a letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller, Republican Rep. Frank Wolf has demanded a copy of the still-classified report about the alleged Fort Hood shooter’s email exchanges with Al Qaeda operative Anwar al-Awlaki.”

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/05/16/gop-rep-demands-copy-report-on-awlaki-emails-with-alleged-fort-hood-shooter/#ixzz1xrAqAutq

Be interested to hear more about this, especially in light of recent attention placed on leaking and inappropriate comments made to media.


Categories: Articles of interest
  1. Ahmed Ould Sidi
    07/29/2012 at 7:59 pm

    Just discovered this blog and congrats for the focus. I wish, with your specialized training and knowledge, to focus on what is going on in northern Mali. Northern Mali seems to become the next Afghanistan.

    Decent honest people outside government ” informed -secret service” people in the sahel-sahara do not understand what is being played by some governments supporting Al Qaida in the Maghreb (AQIM). People are dying and suffering from all this for some dirty oil and uranium. No one is listening to Jeremy Keenan and some other prominent people such as François Gèze and they now what is going on.

    Get well and have a nice summer. People are just becoming crazy with killing here and there. We did not have this in the 60-70-80’s. Something is wrong. Reading your posts. Cheers. Ahmed

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