Home > Articles of interest, Taliban, Use of information communications technology > Abdulhadi Hairan: A Profile of the Taliban’s Propaganda Tactics

Abdulhadi Hairan: A Profile of the Taliban’s Propaganda Tactics

This is absolutely worth a read. It gives a great breakdown of the Taliban’s propaganda apparatus.

Abdulhadi Hairan: A Profile of the Taliban’s Propaganda Tactics.

  1. Henrik
    02/03/2010 at 6:38 pm

    The article doesn´t say anything about how propaganda is spread to the nonlitteracy people that make up the taliban recruits. In fact Hairan analyze propaganda aimed at us, we who measure intelligence, ambition and devotion by written words.

    The real question, how does the talibans spread the “about us”, “carrer opportunities” and “Contact” tags? Answer is always who not how in afghanistan.

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