Home > Articles of interest > U.S. seeks help from Egypt in recapturing terrorists at large

U.S. seeks help from Egypt in recapturing terrorists at large

June 9, 2011, 11:15 pm Leave a comment Go to comments

This is an interesting piece.  I do hope, however, those pursuing this policy are thinking strategically about the implications of this. Sadly, I doubt it.

The Obama administration is engaged in a quiet and largely fruitless effort to persuade Egypt’s security services to arrest scores of terrorists who were released or escaped from prisons during the country’s recent revolution.

The issue has been raised at high levels since March, according to three U.S. officials familiar with the sensitive diplomacy.

Daniel Benjamin, U.S. ambassador at large for counterterrorism, last month provided the military council in charge of Egypt, led by Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, with a list of about two dozen terrorists thought to be at large.

“I can’t go into intelligence and law enforcement activities, but I am quite sure we have voiced our concern about some of the people who are out and about,” Mr. Benjamin said after a speech in Washington and before he left for Egypt.


Categories: Articles of interest
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  1. Lars A.
    June 10, 2011, 6:41 am at 6:41 am | #1
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    Not really sure if Egyptians care either or. I say, if they think they can make em do it, go for it.

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