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More for the reading pile

I have to finish the chapter that just won’t die for the next few days. So no in depth comment. But I will be posting links to what I am reading and finding interesting.

Al Jazeera special on Yemen gives some nice context to the problems in the country that so many of us in AQ focused studies overlook. Speaking of Yemen, this blog is great. I’ll  post it to blogroll later. If you want to know about Yemen those guys are your best best for general background.

Next off the list a nice piece on Jaish e Mohammad in Pakistan: Al Qaeda allies build huge Pakistan base

And then there is this litte oddity in Dar al Hayat: Abandoning Osama

Finally there is this piece on Uzbek militants in Pakistan: 5, 000 Uzbek militants hiding in Waziristan I have a small obsession with these guys (especially the IMU) and a funky stash of their stuff courtesy of the very wonderful “M”.  This figure concerns me, though I note it’s probably exaggerated.

If not then we’ve got a serious problem. That figure suggests a five time expansion of their size in a little over 8 years.

Which brings me to my last point/question/rant of the day. Why is no one looking at the Uzbeks?

More on that later. For now it’s thesis editing time. Although frankly and as we used to say in the job (the old LEA I worked for) I would rather stab myself in the eye with a pen.

Update: Ok I confess to small procrastination editing breaks. Some more links of interest.

Saudi charity funds Al Qaida linked Pak terror outfits: report Hmmm.

Pakistan outsources part of terror war to militia All I have to say about this is: blowback anyone?

Pakistan: Taliban leader builds new links with Al-Qaeda This has some great background info on internal politics

Categories: Articles of interest
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Another addition to the reading pile…

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