KSM Doesn’t Deserve to Be a War Criminal | Foreign Policy
Treating terrorists like warriors is exactly what they want.
So true. Sadly, some people just don’t seem to get it.
KSM Doesn’t Deserve to Be a War Criminal | Foreign Policy.
Categories: Articles of interest
I’ve never seen an indictment as a war criminal as a badge of honor. Did Nazi leaders emerge from the Nuremburg Tribunal trials with enhanced historical reputations or were they completely discredited?
Thanks for your comment. I think it is a little different with the ideology of militant salafist jihadis. This is how they see themselves, and how they seek to sell themselves to others. It may not be how we see it–but it is how they see it.
If I’m not mistaken, the members of the IRA in the old days also wanted themselves to be recognised as POWs because it would have underlined their version of the story – that they are waging a war and they are soldiers in that war. But correct me if I’m wrong (-:. I’m not sure what the jihadis would make of it, but – especially the English speaking – jihobbyists (thanks for the expression Mr. Brachman) would make a lot of it.
OFF: Sorry for being absent, but I got a lot of work lately. Hope your thesis writing is going well.